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Enterprise Storage




Available Rack mountable form factors and storage






NAS Solutions for harsh environments, high performance computing and real-time data storage and distribution

Mini-DV RAID NAS Appliance for TV Broadcast studios


Cepoint Storage Group                        

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   Phone: (603) 557-7464  E-mail: sales[@]  COTS Storage Solutions 


BIG DATA, Hybrid cloud, private or public cloud, virtualization storage solutions. Real-time online Data Backup & recovery. Unlimited Elastic data expansion. High performance computing and storage clustering systems and solutions. Rugged COTS (Commercial-of-the shelf) industrial, commercial and military computing NAS servers. . Low prices from $995 

Contact: Phone: (603)557-7464 E-mail:  Serving IT Professionals Worldwide!

HADOOP Big Data kit NAS Server Solutions 250TB 62-bay NAS 50-Bay-200TB IP NAS IPStorage NAS Product matrix Legacy RAID Storage Video storage Raid 6 miniDV  NAS 6 bay-24TB server Cluster Servers 24-bay 24TB NAS Cluster storage solutions hpc servers Features What's New Contact us BUY NOW

R-STOR© Series CLOUD & Virtualization Storage Solutions with Data Back-up and Recovery. Auto correction and Automatic Replications, Secure Remote access & Data backup . Rugged, 19"Rack mount customized IP NAS Storage Solutions optimized for high performance computing and Real-Time data streaming applications SAN/NAS or DAS RAID 0, 1, 0+1, 10, 5, 6, 50 and JBOD ideal Military environment storage solutions

 NAS Servers. SAS-II 6.0GB/sec,  w/ 10 GbE/s Gigabit NIC, iSCSI or Fibre-Channel target, RAID-6 STORAGE/NAS Solutions. Storage capacity up to 250TB in a single enclosure. RUGGED, Vibration &Sock proof

NAS  Storage server solutions, Cepoint's Rugged RAID Server and storage solutions are High Performance, High availability RAID storage systems designed and built for Clustering and super computing platforms or Enterprise content management where Real-Time data storage and access is essential. R-STOR™  RAID SERVER, NAS  SATA, IP Storage,  iSCSI,  SCSI and Fibre-Channel  RAID Storage &  Server SUB-SYSTEMS are used in Scientific Research & Development Institutions, Real-Time Video Streaming and HDTV studio production, post-production and content delivery.  OEM PRICE LIST*** General Price( December 2007). Please email Sales[@] for current prices and custom quotation.

 Storage Server SYSTEMS & Best Performing SA/N, NAS, and RAID Storage Built to Last!!
Providing Low cost, Reliable, Enterprise Storage systems to Storage professionals Worldwide!

Enterprise Class Storage with iSCSI, IP Storage, NAS, SAN, and DAS using  SATA RAID, IDE-SCSI, SCSI-SCSI and Fibre Channel  RAID or disk array based storage systems and, subsystems can be all confusing to IT or storage neophytes who are delving into storage technology to implement Enterprise class storage, or expand their existing storage installations for their firm or customers. Sough ting out what appliances to deploy can be a nightmare, not to mention the difficult task selecting equipment and vendors, and, implementing the installation and maintenance challenges involved.

    Fortunately, Cepoint Networks' Storage central  is here to assist and help. The first step is to consider the organization's ILM (Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) data management  strategy. The purpose of  ILM is to ensure that  information flow, management, retention, retrieval and utilization process is optimized to achieve an

organization's business objectives, and at the same time guarantee that appropriate regulatory compliance is met,

in face of challenging competition, changing economy and business strategies without breaking the organization's IT back and pocket. Remote data access, Bare-metal Replication, Disk-to-Disk, Disk-to-Tape and Multi-user access options

 Data  stored on appropriate storage  medium through every stage in the lifecycle  (from the data's creation to its deletion) based on  the data's value, and accessibility requirements, without question is the backbone of information management process.

This process ensures an organization's information assets can be managed across storage mediums as primary or secondary disk systems and tape or D2D (disk-to-disk) back-up to optimize resource utilization and cost efficiency, thus enabling end users to transparently leverage the best-performing storage device based on their data access          needs. There are five primary               low starting prices from $995                                                                        


Factors necessary to consider when investing in  enterprise storage resources and why many IT Data centers prefer Cepoint's storage solutions::

1) Compatibility with your current and future investments regardless of  computing department,

location, host devices, clients or application

2) Reliability. The storage resources should function or perform reliably without compromising performance or security.

3) Security. Data access and replication across  the storage platform should be secure  regardless of whatever switching fabric or channel of data and information flow across the enterprise. Whether via intra-net GigLAN, Fibre-Channel, internet or WAN, it is important to guard and ensure there is no security compromise.

4) Saving Cost. One critical fact most people do not realize is that investing on cloud or enterprise storage resources that is adequate for current, and, future growth for business continuity is not determined by how much dollar amount spent with big name storage manufacturers, but how smart and wise your dollar volume is spent to achieve your object, regardless of how popular or large the vendor. After all you are paying more for the "big name brand" and "proprietary" rope being tied around your neck in order to limit your options.

5) Easy to use: Regardless of equipment invested on,  there should be no drastic and long winding learning cover on how you or your IT staff and customers can adapt to your new investment. The entire process should be smooth, easy to master and no learning curve. In other words, your storage systems should be a plug-n-play device so your IT staff or customers can easily start deploying your systems immediately upon opening the box.

6) Data Protection: Data Backup & recovery and Restoration.

7) High Availability: Unlimited Elastic object Data storage growth

8) Virtualization:  Bare metal and Virtual Machines. VMware compatibility.

9) Cloud storage. Unlimited capacity scale out.

   10) Analysis. Finally, can the benefits of your investing, or integrating or deploying a vendor's product into your process and, TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) outweigh the initial cost and expenses in the long run? For example; doesn't make sense spending $5,000 on a cheap, but unreliable vendor's system or $25,000 on an expensive but complex to manage vendor's system and end up spending $50,000 integrating it into your process, not to mention the headaches, loss of business time and unwarranted costs involved? The TCO must be reduced to justify any such investments.

Now with most important facts briefly stated, an easier decision can be made going with a vendor whose products is less expensive, easier to integrate and easier to manage. Cepoint's industrial storage systems are Plug-N-Play and the company is always ready to assist you in configuring and installing your next storage. Just click and send for your custom pricing and we will help.

Model Part No.:


RS212 with up to  48TB capacity       


RS212 12-Bay 2U Rack Mount NAS. Ext. 2 x iSCSI Ports , 10GbE x Gigabit NIC, RAID Levels 6, 0, 1, 5, 60, 50, JBOD. Integrated RISC processor with XOR RAID engine, Disk Bus Serial ATA, 512MB RAM,  Multiple logical volumes, Hot-swap and hot-spare support, Dynamic sector repair, S.M.A.R.T disk drive monitoring. Secure IP features, 300W x 2 Redundant Hot Swap P/S, Hot Swap HDD Trays. GUI RAID Manager software + Hassle free NAS/

RS-212SC 12-Bay 2U Rack Mount NAS. Ext. 2 x iSCSI Ports , 10GbE x Gigabit NIC, RAID Levels 6, 0, 1, 5, 60, 50, JBOD. Integrated RISC processor with XOR RAID engine, Disk Bus Serial ATA, 512MB RAM,  Multiple logical volumes, Hot-swap and hot-spare support, Dynamic sector repair, S.M.A.R.T disk drive monitoring. Secure IP features, 300W x 2 Redundant Hot Swap P/S, Hot Swap HDD Trays. GUI RAID Manager software + Hassle free NAS/SAN

RS-208 SATA up to 32TB 

RS-208 RAID Server 2U Rack Mount NAS., 2 x Gigabit NIC, iSCSI or Fibre-Channel RAID Levels 0, 1, 5, 6,10, 50, JBOD. Integrated RISC processor with XOR RAID engine, Disk Bus Serial ATA, 512MB RAM,  Multiple logical volumes, Hot-swap and hot-spare support, Dynamic sector repair, S.M.A.R.T disk drive monitoring. Secure IP features, 300W x 2 Redundant Hot Swap P/S, Hot Swap HDD Trays. GUI RAID Manager software + Hassle free NAS/SAN Management support

RS316 up to 64TB





RS-316NAS up to 64TB







RS316-Bay 3U Rack Mount  NAS. Ext. 2 x iSCSI Ports , 10GbE x Gigabit NIC, RAID Levels 6, 0, 1, 5, 60, 50, JBOD. Integrated RISC processor with XOR RAID engine, Disk Bus Serial ATA, 512MB RAM,  Multiple logical volumes, Hot-swap and hot-spare support, Dynamic sector repair, S.M.A.R.T disk drive monitoring. Secure IP features, 300W x 2 Redundant Hot Swap P/S, Hot Swap HDD Trays. GUI RAID Manager software + Hassle free NAS/SAN

RS-316NAS 16-Bay 3U Rack Mount IP NAS iSCSI, , 2 x Gigabit NIC,  iSCSI or Fibre-Channel RAID Levels 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 30, 50, JBOD. RISC processor with XOR RAID engine, SCSI Disk Bus, 512MB RAM, Multiple logical volumes, Hot-swap and hot-spare support, Dynamic sector repair, S.M.A.R.T disk drive monitoring. Secure IP features 300W x 2 Redundant Hot Swap P/S, Hot Swap HDD Trays. GUI RAID Manager + Hassle free NAS/SAN Management support


Rx524  or Rx524FCS up to 96TB

Rx524 / Rx524FCS 24-Bay 4U Rack Mount NAS (Horizontal Mount) SAS/Serial-ATA (SATA)  RAID Levels 0, 1, 5, 6,10, 50, JBOD. RISC processor with XOR RAID engine, iSCSI, 2 X SCSI or 2/4Gb/s Fibre Channel Ports, 2 x Gigabit NIC, Disk Bus Serial ATA, 512MB Cache RAM, IPsec, Multiple logical volumes, Hot-swap and hot-spare support, Dynamic sector repair, S.M.A.R.T disk drive monitoring.  900W  Redundant Hot Swap P/S, Hot Swap HDD Trays. GUI Raid Manager + Hassle free SAN Management software support

RAid316 up to 64TB


RAid-316-NAS Server, 3U Rack Mount SAS/SATA,  i SCSI Port, 2 X GB/s NIC,  RAID Levels 0, 1, 5, 10, 50, JBOD. Integrated RISC processor with XOR RAID engine, Disk Bus Serial ATA, 512MB RAM,  Multiple logical volumes, Hot-swap and hot-spare support, Dynamic sector repair, S.M.A.R.T disk drive monitoring. Secure IP features, 300W x 2 Redundant Hot Swap P/S, Hot Swap HDD Trays. GUI RAID Manager software + Hassle free NAS/SAN Management support

NAS2400 up to 12TB


NAS2400 4-Bay 1U Rack mount  SATA RAID Levels 0, 1, 5, 10 and JBOD , Gigabit NIC, 400W P/S, Swappable HDD Trays. Hot-spare drive support with automatic rebuild. Hot-swap drive for easy replacement GUI RAID Manager software + NAS management support.

NAS2600 up to 24TB   



NAS2601 up to 24TB

NAS-2601 6-Bay, SATA or EIDE (Parallel-ATA)-Ultra 160 SCSI 2U Rack Mount RAID, 2 x SCSI Ports, Gigabit NIC,  Intel RISC CPU 128 MB RAM, 300W Redundant Hot Swap P/S, Hot Swap HDD Trays Max Capacity- up to 1.2TB. GUI raid software + NAS management support






RA314- up to 14TB     

RA314  14-Bay 3U Rack Mount SATA. Ext. 2 x SCSI Ports  RAID Levels 0, 1, 5, 10, 50, JBOD. Integrated RISC processor with XOR RAID engine, Gigabit NIC, Disk Bus Serial ATA, 128MB RAM,  Multiple logical volumes, Hot-swap and hot-spare support, Dynamic sector repair, S.M.A.R.T disk drive monitoring. Secure IP features, 300W x 2 Redundant Hot Swap P/S, Hot Swap HDD Trays. GUI RAID Manager software + Hassle free NAS/SAN Management support




RA314FC (2-Ch  2/4Gb/s fibre host

RA315 up to 60TB    


RA315 15-Bay 3U Rack Mount SATA-SCSI or FC  RAID Levels 0, 1, 5, 10, 50, JBOD. 2 x SCSI Ports, Gigabit Ethernet, Intel 80303 RISC CPU, Integrated RISC processor with XOR RAID engine, Disk Bus Serial ATA, 128MB RAM,  Multiple logical volumes, Hot-swap and hot-spare support, Dynamic sector repair, S.M.A.R.T disk drive monitoring. Secure IP features, 300W x 2 Redundant Hot Swap P/S, Hot Swap HDD Trays. GUI RAID Manager software + Hassle free NAS/SAN Management support




RA315-iS or RA315FC (iSCSI or 2-Ch 2/4Gb/s fibre host ports


RA316 up to 64TB

RA-316  16-Bay 3U Rack Mount NAS, 2 x 10GBE ports, 2 x Gigabit, iSCSI or FC-AL 2Gb/s Fibre Channel  RAID Levels 0, 1, 5, 10, 50, JBOD. RISC CPU, Disk Bus Serial ATA, 512MB RAM, Multiple logical volumes, Hot-swap and hot-spare support, Dynamic sector repair, S.M.A.R.T disk drive monitoring. Secure IP features,  300W x 2 Redundant Hot Swap P/S, Hot Swap HDD Trays and Gigabit NIC. GUI Raid Manager + Hassle free NAS/SAN support





RA316-iS or RA316-FC iSCSI or 2-Ch 2/4 Gb/s fibre host ports  

or DAS

RAS3160 up to 16TB


RAS 3160 16-Bay 3U Rack Mount (Vertical Mount option)SATA-FC-AL 2GB/s Fibre Channel  RAID Levels 0, 1, 5, 10, 50, JBOD.  RISC CPU, Disk Bus Serial ATA, 512MB CacheRAM, Multiple logical volumes, Hot-swap and hot-spare support, Dynamic sector repair, S.M.A.R.T disk drive monitoring. Secure IP features, 300W x 3 Redundant Hot Swap P/S, LCD panel mangt. Display,  Hot Swap HDD Trays. GUI Raid Manager + Hassle free NAS/SAN  support




Rx424 24-Bay 4U Rack Mount (Horizontal Mount) Serial-ATA (SATA)  RAID Levels 0, 1,  5, 10, 50, JBOD. RISC processor with XOR RAID engine, Ext. 2 X SCSI or 2Gb/s Fibre Channel Ports, Gigabit NIC, Disk Bus Serial ATA, 512MB RAM, Multiple logical volumes, Hot-swap and hot-spare support, Dynamic sector repair, S.M.A.R.T disk drive monitoring. Secure IP features,  900W  Redundant Hot Swap P/S, Hot Swap HDD Trays. GUI Raid Manager + Hassle free NAS/SAN  support





Rx524FCS (2-Ch 2/4Gb/s Fibre or iSCSI features ..


Rx416 up to 16TB

Rx416- 16-Bay 4U Rack Mount SATA , Ext. 2x SCSI Ports, 2xGB/s NIC,  RAID Levels 0, 1, 5, 10, 50, JBOD. Integrated RISC processor with XOR RAID engine, Disk Bus Serial ATA, 512MB RAM,  Multiple logical volumes, Hot-swap and hot-spare support, Dynamic sector repair, S.M.A.R.T disk drive monitoring. Secure IP features, 300W x 2 Redundant Hot Swap P/S, Hot Swap HDD Trays. GUI RAID Manager software + Hassle free NAS/SAN Management support


Rx416-FC iSCSI or  2 /4Gb/s fibre host ports


Mini-DV Raid (Replaces DT Mini DV Raid)

Desktop Mini-Digital Video RAID 4-bay IDE ATA Raid 0, 1, 5, RAID 5 with Hot-spare

Hot-swap, IPsec features Gigabit Ethernet and 10/100 Base-T Interface, NAS Ideal for space limited workstation. Complements Cepoint’s Studio9000  Non-Linear Digital Video Editor or Sony, Leitch,  Targa and others. GUI RAID Manager software + Hassle free NAS support


$call or email




USB/Firewire or Gigabit Ethernet Interface





MAI-9F12 up to 16TB


Arena Maxtronic MAI-9F12 12-Bay 2GbFC-IDE  4U Rack Mount RAID, Intel 80303 RISC CPU, Dual Channel Host Connection Option, 128MB RAM, 300W x 3 Redundant Hot Swap P/S, Hot Swap HDD Trays. GUI RAID Manager software + Hassle free NAS support.



 Cepoint  Networks, 1W Otterson Street, Nashua, NH 03060 U. S. A  Ph: (603)557-7464 fax: (603)883-3266. Email:  Website:          


1)  Prices listed are OEM pricing only for systems integrators and authorized resellers. Educational institutions,  Hospitals, Schools and universities may qualify for OEM pricing. Prices and configuration specifications are subject to change without notice. Cepoint Networks may periodically review its   pricing with Resellers.

         2) Systems above are RAID server ready subsystems. Please call or email for Bare (JBOD) systems pricing.

3) *** JBOD  bare chassis does not come with Controllers, software or cables. JBOD bare chassis or   enclosures only comes with enclosure, power supply and drive trays (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 15 2004, CEPOINT NO LONGER SHIPS  BARE CHASSIS. ONLY FULLY CONFIGURED RAID SERVERS OR SUB-SYSTEMS ARE SHIPPED.

            4) Battery back-up in some units are optional and not included in pricing

            5) 1024MB = 1Gigabyte,    1,000GB = 1Terabyte

 OPTIONAL  SPARES (non-discounted):

 SR26- RACK RAILS, 26” Depth Cabinet Slide Rails (Pair) …..                   $155

2U/3U 900 Watts Redundant Hot Swap power supply        …………….       $590

950Watts Power supply                                               ………………     $call

1000GB Serial ATA Drive Module replacement      ……..                            $call

73GB/147GB/181GB SCSI HDD …….                                                     $call

1”H SATA Drive Hot swap Trays  ……………….                                        $45 ea

SATA Drive Cable 1M     ………………..                                                                   $25 ea

 ©2004-2007.Cepoint Networks, LLC. All rights reserved. Cepoint, Cepoint Networks, R-STOR™ are trade names or trademarks of Cepoint Networks, LLC. All other trade marks are properties of their respective owners.  For more information Contact: Phone: (603)557-7464 Website:  Cepoint storage array sub-systems are manufactured and tested with the best industrial parts and components that have been subjected to the highest quality process in the industry. Pictures or photos shown are for illustration purposes only, and does not necessarily show the actual colors or exact product(s). Specifications may be subject to change without notice. Prices listed are OEM pricing only for systems integrators and authorized resellers. Cepoint reserves the right to review its pricing without prior notice. All sales are final.


Net 30 days for Qualified Government agencies, departments, Educational Institutions and pre-approved accounts. 50% deposit and balance COD for established and approved accounts. ALL other  new accounts requires Prepayment by T/T, EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer)/Wire Transfer. Money order, Certified bank check or company check (US based companies only). International orders requires T/T or EFT only.

Delivery Time Schedule:

Please allow 7-21 business days for delivery for items in stock and 3-4 weeks for delivery of out of stock parts. International sales, please allow 3 0-days for delivery. Prices and specifications are subject to change without prior notice. Please email your custom requirements for pricing that meets your configuration or applications environment. Prices are FOB Nashua, NH. U.S.A

 Limited Warranty:

Systems are warranted for 3-years. Disk Drive warranties are 3-years, except as may be specified by the drive manufacturer. Cepoint will replace or repair defective or DOA units with an authorized RMA. Cepoint Networks,  LLC. warrants that the product(s) that it manufactures and sells will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment. If a product proves defective during this warranty period, Cepoint Networks, at its option or discretion, either will repair the defective product without charge for parts and labor, or will provide a replacement in exchange for the defective product(s). ALL SALES ARE FINAL AND CEPOINT WILL NOT ACCEPT RETURNS WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE COMPANY.       In order to obtain service under this warranty, Customer must notify Cepoint of the defect before expiration of the warranty period and make suitable arrangement for the performance of service. Customer shall be responsible for packaging and shipping the defective product(s) to the service center designated by Cepoint, with shipping charges prepaid. Cepoint shall pay for return of the product to customer if the shipment is to location within the country in which Cepoint Networks service center is located. Customer shall be responsible  for paying all shipping charges, duties, taxes, and any other charges for products returned to any other location(s). This warranty shall not apply to any alteration, defect, failure or damage caused by improper use or improper or inadequate maintenance and care. Cepoint shall not be obligated to furnish service under this warranty a) to repair damage resulting from attempts by personnel other than Cepoint representative to install, repair or service the product; b) to repair damage resulting from improper use or connection to incompatible equipment; c) to repair any damage or malfunction caused by customer’s actions or attempts to modify the product(s). Cepoint may bill a 15% re-stocking surcharge fee for any cancellation of order processed.